Boat for sale PLEASE READ(Required) Filling this form out does NOT guarantee that Finish Line Shell Repair will buy this boat. Todays Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Team/Owner(Required)Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Boat InformationSerial Number(Required)Year(Required)202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000You are welcome to submit any age boat, but at this time we are most likely not interested in boats older than 20 years old.Manufacturer(Required)BBGCarl Douglas Racing ShellsCucchiettiEmpacherFalcon racingFilippi BoatsFluidesignHudson BoatworksJanousek Racing BoatsKanghuaKaschper Racing ShellsKing Racing ShellsLiangjin BoatMaas Rowing ShellsNelo RowingNext CoastalPeinertPocock Racing ShellsRace 1 AustraliaResolute Racing ShellsStämpfli Racing BoatsSwift RacingSykes RacingVan DusenVespoliWinTech RacingOTHEROTHER Manufacturer(Required)Boat Type(Required)8+4+4x4-4x/4- [boat comes with boat sets of riggers]2x2-2x/2- [boat comes with boat sets of riggers]1xManufacturer Weight Range(Required)Regular Salt Water Usage(Required) Yes No Known Damage(Required) Yes No Description of known damage(Required)Additional notes about boatAsking Price(Required)